Continue Watching on the App

Continue Watching on the App

The Continue Watching category will appear on your home page if you have already watched some content. This playlist at the top of the home page shows the last 21 videos or collections you viewed for 10 seconds or longer. Tap on any of them to resume watching where you left off. A bar indicator will appear at the bottom of the thumbnails to indicate how much has been viewed. Continue Watching also works as a recently played category. Even when you have finished watching a video, the video will still display in that category, so you will know what you have watched already.

Resume or Start Over

On videos you already started it will now ask you if you want to resume from where you left off. Tap "Continue" to well...continue or press the play button to start from the beginning. This is helpful if your spouse started watching the video without you. ;-)

XO Now Apps

Articles in this section

Continue Watching on the App

The Continue Watching category will appear on your home page if you have already watched some content. This playlist at the top of the home page shows the last 21 videos or collections you viewed for 10 seconds or longer. Tap on any of them to resume watching where you left off. A bar indicator will appear at the bottom of the thumbnails to indicate how much has been viewed. Continue Watching also works as a recently played category. Even when you have finished watching a video, the video will still display in that category, so you will know what you have watched already.

Resume or Start Over

On videos you already started it will now ask you if you want to resume from where you left off. Tap "Continue" to well...continue or press the play button to start from the beginning. This is helpful if your spouse started watching the video without you. ;-)

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