Continue Watching / Resume
Whenever you start watching a video or a collection, a new category will appear above all other categories in your catalog. Continue Watching is the first category that will appear on your catalog page if you have already watched some content. Continue Watching also works as a recently played category. Even when you have finished watching a video, the video will still display in that category, so you will know what you have watched already.
Continue Watching

Continue Watching displays the last 21 videos you have viewed for 10 seconds or longer and allows you to resume watching where you have left off when you start watching either a video or collection. A bar indicator will appear at the bottom of the thumbnails in the Continue Watching category to indicate how much has been viewed.

When you use a video in a collection, the entire collection will appear under the Continue Watching category and will have the title of the collection and not the video watched.

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